Yearly Archives: 2017

Photo Gallery

Enjoy these photos from our recent luncheons, concerts, etc. Buffalo Mountain Bluegrass - Autumn & Canyon Moore Pastor Dave Williams preaches the Word Gospel group Chapter VII performs in a rare evening event Patti Dahl & HeartSong praises the Lord through song Randy Simpson sings at Sheaffer's Valley every year We draw some of our…
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We Believe – Regeneration

What we believe about Regeneration (July 2013) We believe in the new birth, or regeneration. The doctrine of regeneration, or the new birth, is an essential teaching of the Churches of God. Jesus declared to Nicodemus that being born again (regenerated) is the basis for seeing and entering the kingdom of God (John 3:3, 5,…
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We Believe – Jesus Christ

What we believe about Jesus Christ (July 2013) We believe Jesus has been active since before the creation of the world. As the second person of the Godhead, Jesus has always existed, enjoying the love of the Father from “before the creation of the world” (John 17; John 1:1).  Along with the Father and the…
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Reaching Out to the Community

The Sheaffer's Valley Church of God is teaming up with New Bloomfield Elementary school in an effort to serve the community. We are purchasing backpacks & we are filling them with needed supplies for the 2017-18 school year such as pencils, pens, tablets, folders, etc. This is a great way to serve the community &…
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