Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Where are you located?

A: We are located along Route 233 in Landisburg, about 2.5 miles west of the post office in Landisburg, & 5 miles east of Camp Yolijwa/Colonel Denning State Park.

(Map courtesy of Google Maps, web link:,+Landisburg,+PA+17040/@40.3424946,-77.3543148,13z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c9234267e7652f:0x4d7506b892d76ce9!8m2!3d40.3309799!4d-77.356761)

Q: What time is your church service held?

A: Every Sunday we meet from 10:30 – 11:30 AM, & Sunday school is held beginning at 9:15.

Q: What is your typical church service like?

A: We sing several songs, have greeting time, explore the Word of God through a sermon, pray together, & we share prayer concerns & praise reports. The service usually lasts about an hour.

Q: Does your church have a dress code?

A: No, we do not have a dress code. We understand that everyone comes from a different socio-economic background, so our clothing will reflect that. It is important that our clothing be respectful. If you would put more thought into the way dress when you go to see grandma on Thanksgiving, why wouldn’t you put the same amount of thought into what you wear when you intend to meet the Lord in His House on Sunday? Having said that, our pastor is usually the only one who wears a tie, & even that is negotiable!

Q: Do I have to be a member to participate in church activities.

A: No, although church membership is strongly encouraged, you do not have to be a member to participate in any activities.

Q: Do you have a children’s Sunday school?

A: We do offer a children’s Sunday school that lasts about 30 minutes. Typically, the children worship with the rest of the adult congregation, & after greeting time they are dismissed to their class. This way they are not forgotten by the church as a whole & the children learn to worship together, but they also receive instruction that is tailored to their needs.

Q: How can I learn about your latest church functions?

A: Information about our functions can be found in a variety of places. First, they are included in the bulletin that is printed for each Sunday’s service. Secondly, like us on Facebook at or follow us on Twitter at

. Lastly, check this website for the latest news.

Q: Am I welcome in your church if I am a practicing homosexual?

A: Absolutely! We welcome everyone into our service. Since we are all sinners, if our sin kept us out of the house of the Lord, none of us would be there! We follow the teaching of Jesus who said, “It is the sick who are in need of a physician.” The Bible clearly teaches that homosexuality is a sin, the same as adultery, stealing, & telling a lie, so that is what is preached.

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