Category Archives: About Us

We are a congregation that belongs to the denomination Churches of God, General Conference. Our congregation was established around 1832, so there is a long, rich history of our church. Our main tenants include the following: the Bible is the inspired Word of God & is the only source of written divine inspiration, and salvation is available only through Jesus Christ. We also recognize three ordinances of the church: baptism (by immersion), the Lord’s Supper, and feet washing. Lastly, we believe that Jesus Christ is the only means through which man can be saved, & we look forward to his return one day. Until that happens, we have a duty to reach the lost throughout the whole world, preaching Jesus Christ & him crucified, urging them to accept Christ as their Lord & Savior.

Calendar of Events

June 27: Pastor Dennis will be away on vacation. Pastor Linda Rosenberry will bring the message that morning.
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History of the Churches of God in Perry County

HISTORY OF THE CHURCHES OF GOD IN PERRY COUNTY (Taken from a packet compiled for the 100-year anniversary of the Kennedy Valley Church of God, which was based largely on Forney’s History of the Churched of God.) Considerable work was done in Perry County in 1830 – 1831. A few Church of God families moved…
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Service Time

We meet for worship every Sunday at 10:30 AM. Our service usually lasts about an hour. Our Bible Study is open for all to attend, & it begins at 9:15 AM. Hope to see you there!
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A Presence in the Community

SCHOOL BACKPACKS Our goal is to pack 50 back packs with various supplies for children at New Bloomfield Elementary School for the 2017-18 school year. Even if you cannot provide a back pack, the supplies to fill those packs are necessary as well. The deadline for back packs & supplies is Sunday, August 6, 2017.…
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