Reaching Out to the Community

The Sheaffer's Valley Church of God is teaming up with New Bloomfield Elementary school in an effort to serve the community. We are purchasing backpacks & we are filling them with needed supplies for the 2017-18 school year such as pencils, pens, tablets, folders, etc.

This is a great way to serve the community & to let people know that the people of the Sheaffer's Valley Church of God cares about the community. On average, 2 of every 5 students in the district lives in poverty. As a Christian & a pastor, this breaks my heart & it compels me to do something about it.

We encourage you all to participate in this ministry, as we have set a goal of 50 backpacks for this upcoming year. Please bring your backpacks & supplies to church by August 6 so that we can deliver them to the school before school begins.

Additionally, the school can also use clothing items. Some children will be messy at lunch & need another shirt or pair of pants to finish the day, while others may not have appropriate clothing to fit the season. Any clothing donations can also be brought to the church by August 6.

God bless you all as you serve the community in Jesus' name!

Pastor Dennis

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